Monday, November 22, 2010

Project 365 - Week 33

Week 33. Celebrate Good Times.


Monday. It's actually a picture from Sunday, but I got one of my migraines and didn't think about taking a picture. And I loved this picture of Daniel being goofy watching people play the Kinnect.


Tuesday. Shawn came over and hung out with me and the boys. I've had a special place in my heart for him ever since I taught him in kids class. He can be so hard on himself and I wanted to do something to help him feel special. He really liked playing with and brushing the boys. And we ate mostaccolli. Monique brought him a sandwich and salad, and I did make him eat it, but we ate the pasta first.


Wednesday. We had our family group's Thanksgiving dinner tonight. And Sarah Midgorden came along to take pictures for the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving Day edition of the Missourian. It was so good! I had to take a picture of it. Angie Herbold got really excited about decorating the dinner table. It made me smile how almost giddy she got.


Thursday. I volunteered to help watch kids during Daniel and Kathryn's marrieds class. It was the last one of the session, and the participants were 'renewing their vows' for the last class. It was a cool idea. This is me goofing around with Jason and Rachel's daughter, Hannah. She got the hugest kick out of our pictures. We'd snap them and then she would laugh hysterically.


Friday. I got together with Jackie to discuss my project and then we went over to Tiger Tech to look at a computer that Jackie was thinking about getting her daughter for Christmas. After Tiger Tech, where I found out that I could no longer give back my lemon of a laptop, I was walking across campus and encountered these goofballs. They were jamming out to music and dancing like idiots. I'll never understand why people do things like this to draw attention to themselves.


Saturday. Today was the first day of Thanksgiving break and I was working as the photo editor for the Missourian. We discovered that Good Morning, America was at Shakespeare's Pizza, because they were featuring them in a contest for the best college town grub. The one photographer working for break was out on assignment and the reporter didn't think about submitting a photo request - so annoying and they seem to be doing that a lot this semester! -- so I popped down the street to get a decent image for the paper. The reporter took some but they were lame. And this was the image that I liked best from my shoot. I've decided that I really like editing, too.


Sunday. Shots from the church blood drive. I wanted to get a closer unique angle, but I wasn't allowed across the line and into their bubble.

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