Here's some selects from our family group Thanksgiving celebration. (Doesn't plate look good? Yes, yes it was.) We held it the week before Thanksgiving at the Herbolds' house, so that everyone would be there and this year, we actually *had* Thanksgiving fixin's. Last year made me a little sad because we had something like soup and chili. It really didn't feel like a Thanksgiving celebration. It more felt like just another family group gathering where we ate something (just like always).

I really liked this picture of Darce because I like how satisfied she is with the display of the table.

A picture of Monique directing the kids in how many Hostess Chocolate Donuts they can eat as they entertained themselves upstairs. They were quite loud for part of it - jumping from the couch to the floor. I had to go upstairs more than once. It's 'amazing' how kids will do what they know they shouldn't and then act surprised when you call them on it. Or try to tell you that it wasn't them.

The family group praying before our meal.

I like this picture of Shawn and Jim partially because of all the yummy food and partially because of the moment. If you haven't figured it out, I really like photography that captures a moment/something.

Again, another moment. Although I wish that my shutter was faster!!! so that it wouldn't have been blurry. I like these moments between Kevin and Mason.

I thought one of these would have been good as part of The Missourian's Thanksgiving coverage, but evidently it's 'a conflict of interest' because I knew the people and was there at the event anyway and liked the church in question. Even though I was in no way promoting my church through my journalism, nor was I doing anything delineated as a fishy area by The New York Times or this article from Community.com. I didn't really care if the name of the church got mentioned or not - wouldn't that be the point of a conflict of interest? Self/organizational promotion? In fact, it felt a little weird that they did post the name of the church with the coverage. I'm not sure why. I guess because it just felt like a group of my friends getting together to celebrate together. (It was kinda cool the kick that Angie Herbold got out of hosting the thing and having a picture on the front page of the paper.)

A nice posed pic of Kevin and Sushila. I can't remember what they were drinking, but I think it was cocoa.
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