Monday, November 8, 2010

Project 365 - W31

Week 31. Republicans everywhere!


Had my first orientation meeting for traveling abroad in Brussels, Belgium. Now I'm stressing about my finances, because the scholarship I hope to be getting will (max.) only cover about 1/4th of the cost. I'm kinda stressing about this semester, too - some of the expenses related to this program have put a drain on what I've budgeted for the semester and I'm trying to not worry that my bank account will last. I really hope the financial stuff I've tried to arrange will work out. I really want to leave for Brussels not having to worry about how I'm going to support myself.


Tuesday. Midterm Elections. I spent the evening covering 2 watch parties. Brian asked for volunteers to help with the coverage and led to me first attending Laura Nauser's (pictured) watch party. The Republicans, unfortunately, ended up winning alot of the seats that they were running for (Nauser was one of the exceptions to this, though). It was really interesting overhearing the conversations, since I am not a Republican and pretty much disagree with most of what Republicans stand for. But the watch party was interesting to be there for. We (me and other photographers) transmitted pictures from the field back to the newsroom. Many of my pictures made it into the slideshow for the Missourian. I almost made the front page pic with this picture, but Sarah got a better one.


Midweek at the Herbolds. No food today, as we are going to have Thanksgiving midweeks in two weeks. And it will be a real Thanksgiving this year (unlike last year - which was depressing). I am going to be making a cheery and pumpkin pie. Almost from scratch. I saw this pile of shoes by the front door and thought it looked cool.


Nothing really stands out for me from Thursday so here's a picture of me cuddling with Cullen - it's his favorite place to be, cuddling with someone, anyone.


This is a picture of the boys at the dog park. There were actually several dogs that they played with, with Dudley really taking a shine to this little dachshund, Lucy. (I loved how her tail was nearly as long/big as she was.) But he was running after some of the bigger dogs too. The boys had a blast, though, running around with several dogs.


Riley chilling on my bed. Yes, it's another dog picture, but I saw him and thought he looked so sweet, that my heart overflowed and I took this picture. He's lounging on a pile of clothes that I have washed and are awaiting folding to be put away. And he is fresh from a bath :)


Jump!Jump! - I got to teach my 1-2 graders (filling in for Tracy), which was a lot of fun - although they seemed a little more unruly than usual. After church, I decided to photograph some of them jumpping off a platform in the fellowship hall. More pictures of the fun here.

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