Monday, October 11, 2010

Project 365 - W27

Week 27. Over halfway done! And only one picture of the boys.


Okay - if you can't tell what this is, it's geese standing/sitting on the frozen pond/lake by my friend, Shawn's, house. I was driving to bible talk and I saw them. I didn't have time to stop, but they were still there when I was driving back. I didn't get out of my car, because I didn't want to scare them, but I used my zoom lens to get a closer picture.


This Sunday, we are having a special Song and Praise service at church, and we have been working on a new song, "Abba Father." Written by Sherwin Macintosh, it is, of course, tough, because the stuff that he writes is just tricky. I mean, it has this really bizarre, unnatural rhythm at the beginning of it. That just the women sing while the men sing 'oh.' (And the kicker is, when Chia-Wei heard it performed at the Leadership Conference, they sang it differently than how it was written - with Sherwin directing, no less. But CW decided not to try and rewrite the notes so that it sounded like how it was performed. So we get to struggle over it. This picture is taken at practice, as we are trying to learn our parts. I decided on this one, because it struck me as amusing, Phillip lying on the floor, trying to learn how to not move his shoulders when he breathes. It's not the best picture, but it captures the moment.


So we had family group out at the Herbolds. It was actually pretty good - I made spaghetti to go with the chili and it seemed to be pretty popular. I didn't bring any of the 5 cups of pasta that I made home. As I was driving home, I took this picture. Just because I thought it was interesting, the lights on the highway.


For the last couple of weeks, I've traveled up to campus for our beat meeting, only to discover that I needn't have bothered. No one was there. the weather was nice, so I took the boys with me, to take a walk after the meeting is over. No meeting, took the walk sooner. And so, I posed the boys next to Sparky the Bulldog. I love how the picture is very expressive of their personalities.

100810 - Stupid Selfish People

Friday night was devo at Billiards. But since I've taken pool pictures with my friends, I abstained. But I chose to take this picture, because people who drive like this really irritate me and make me wish I could give them a ticket. I *hate* it when people don't park within their lines (thus taking up 2 parking spots). I *hate* it when they don't straighten their car or they park on the line so that you, parking correctly, run the risk of them slamming their door into your when they don't pay attention opening their vehicle's doors. I have several dings on my car, including a nice inch-long line on my left back door, where someone was nice enough to not pay attention and dinged my car.

100910 - MU v. CU - In the Press Box

So, this picture I took from the press box. If you're interested in my description of the day, read my blog post here. One of the craziest thing about the press box is the lack of phone reception inside the box. And I could receive calls, just not place them. If I sent a text, I had to go set my phone on the window sill or it wouldn't go. Makes communicating with the Photo Bubble really 'easy.'


On Sunday, we had a special Song and Praise worship service - it was really nice. I ended up oversleeping my alarm by almost 2 hours - which was *awesome.* So I woke up 8:43. And I'm supposed to be there at 8:30. I was totally disoriented, too, going what day is it. And then, crap! Because this was not the morning to oversleep, esp. because I have a solo today. But, amazingly, I got ready in about 5 minutes and was at church in about 10. Luckily, because all that I ended up performing (because it was my 'day off') was our two special songs. And it went 'okay.' I rushed my solo (in God Alone) a little - those darn nerves! It was really bizarre. Right as we went on stage I just this burst of adrenaline and I got jittery. And then, we hadn't really practiced it all together, so I was the only one of the sopranos that was on the right note. Kim was singing *way* too high so it didn't sound right (blending) and Melissa couldn't find her note. I ended up singing louder so that the soprano would be on the right note. At the end of the service, Austin complimented us, but told me and Holly that the only voices that he could really hear were ours and his dad's. Holly and I both agree that it's better when it's just the 4 of us, and I like it when it's not being directed, where you're listening to each other and taking cues from each other than from someone else.

We also ended up not doing "Abba Father." I think Vince is going to be tailoring an entire service around the song. Which will be cool.

The service itself was cool - I really loved how Vince taught a lesson about praising God. This picture is from the dance that Monique (the woman in the center) choreographed. It was danced to the song "Waging War," sung by CeCe Winans, and represented the struggle between doing good and doing evil. The women in white were angels and in black were demons. I think Susan did a fabulous job being 'evil.' I loved how she took her role seriously. At one point, the evil ones walked out into the crowd and she totally was stalking people. It was cool.

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