Friday, September 10, 2010

Wandering Around Downtown


So, after class today, I decided to wander around downtown for no apparent reason other than I felt like wandering around and taking pictures. No real destination in mind, no goal. I just felt like going out and taking images of things I found interesting. I took just my body and my 55-250 zoom and went a walkin'. And I had fun. It's been a while since I've just taken pictures of things, not to commemorate something or because I had to, but because I just felt like it. And it was fun.

I mean, I enjoyed photography for the joy of looking at something differently and capturing that image. It's been a while. With all the school work, just that pressure in 'what I ought to do,' it really zapped my creativity. It wasn't supposed to, but it was nice to snap a picture of someone doing something weird without feeling compelled to get their name.


I was walking behind the guy and he just started walking like that, with his hands behind his back. Who walks like that? By choice? It's not comfortable...


The second picture, they're out in Peace Park, stringing up this line between trees. A slack line, they tell me, because it's "comfortable to lean on."

Even though, that brings me to another quandary that I've found in myself, one I want to break myself of: wanting to take a picture but feeling like I'm intruding. Capturing people going about their day and somehow I'm invading their privacy. I feel I need to break that habit because I feel like their story needs to be told, even if they don't tell me their name. I want to save my own life experience, if nothing else.

Like today, as I was driving, there's this guy sitting on some steps with his dog. I loved that they were just chilling there, waiting on the steps of this attorney's office. I wish I'd taken the picture. Because it was this calm contented moment for them. And I like moments like that. But I didn't - not because I was driving, but because the guy might see me do it.


This one was on the down low. I didn't want her to see me take it. What did I expect her to do if she saw me? Not like me because I caught her in a moment? Is that it?


I saw this girl with *not natural* hair. It doesn't look bad, but I don't like it any more than I like fake blonde hair...


Because of the peeling paint. That's a lot of peeling paint. And it seems like I only remember it happening on Fords.

Coexist, people!!! I actually think this bumper stick is pretty clever with all the religious symbols displayed in it. Taken on 6th Street.


At The Candy Factory. Isn't it odd that Halloween is over a *month* away and yet already selling Halloween candy? How fresh are those Oreos going to be?


Also in The Candy Factory, taken while I wait for my strawberries. I found out that they've been selling them ALL SUMMER. Arg!


All around downtown Columbia, there are brick streets.

Insensitive and Soon to be Deaf

A picture of the insensitive and soon-to-be deaf. Some of those little jerks that like to drive around with their bass pounding so loud that my brain feels like it will explode. Even if I'm sitting in my house. You may feel like 'jerks' is a little strong or a little unforgiving. Maybe. It's those bass-inspired headaches talking.


One of the lights in the parking garage where I park for class. How about those bugs?

I Don't Understand the Name

I don't understand the name And have no idea what type of food they serve. The name was enough to shout, "Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!"

My journeys led me to luck into chocolate-covered strawberries. One of my all-time favorite treats! From one of the best places around, too: The Candy Factory. I am drooling while I think about it. Why is it that those small privately-owned chocolatiers always have the best chocolate?

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