Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And I Had to Work on LABOR DAY

PDF of the day's edit to be posted here later

For some reason, I guess because they're a newspaper, the Missourian decided that we should work on Labor Day. Even though the rest of the University had the day off because it's a state holiday, and we are a 'state' institution, and for MU employees, it is one of 7 official paid holidays in the year (the others? MLK, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving & the day after, and Christmas), I did not, because I was lucky enough to be assigned the Monday morning shift.

So, I woke up with a migraine digging behind my left eye. And it progressively grew worse during the day, until, by the time the day was over, I was starting the feel dizzy and nauseous. Stinky fie! I hate feeling like something is trying to poke my eye out!!!

It was a pretty slow shift. Mostly. There were only 3 photo assignments all day. And one really lame one that shouldn't have been submitted in the first place, since it was for a story they didn't have on the 'budget' (publishing schedule) and the story was covering a store that wasn't even OPEN on Labor Day.

Because it was a slow day, two of our photographers got to wander about Columbia and take pictures (enterprise). The one eventful thing that happened was - there was a shooting over by Stephens Lake.


The photographer of the above photo, Timothy Rice, was actually threatened by someone on the scene. As he tells it, he was simply taking wide shots when this guy came up to him in a very threatening manner, daring him to take him picture again. Even after Tim explained, he said the guy kept throwing "gang signs" and demanding that he 'take his picture!' The guy went so far as to rip off his shirt to brandish his muscles... Who knew Labor Day could be so exciting...

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