Monday, June 28, 2010

Project 365 - W12

Week 12. This week I am watching the boys (Reece and Jace) while Daniel and Kathryn are out of town on a cruise, celebrating their anniversary.


One thing that Missouri is good for is changing weather conditions and beautiful cloud formations. Thus this picture. I should have taken a picture of poor Jace's foot.

Daniel and Kathryn (and Rick and Janet) have gone on a cruise to celebrate their anniversary and I had the privilege of watching the boys (as well as Georgie and Cami). The Silveys kept Reece and Jace over the weekend, since I was in KC, and I picked them up on Sunday evening. Poor Jace had an owie in his foot that was infected, so much that it caused him pain when walking on it. Nice and full of puss. And so tender you couldn't even touch it. Which means something because Jace is not wimpy about pain (unlike Reece). He has a really high pain tolerance. So if he says it hurts, it hurts.

He was really good at walking on his tiptoes. Like it was just normal walking. I'm impressed.

I was able to get him an appointment at his doctor's. Not his normal doctor, but an intern. She thought it was a planter's wart and froze the thing. Jace was very brave and did not cry. She also prescribed an antibiotic. Got that filled, as well as bought some pain killers and allergy medication (for Jace's swollen lip).


Time at the Smiths. A sleeping Dudley. Didn't do much of anything today except go to BT. Which was HOT. I hate having BT when it is 100*+ outside. But the decision makers don't have a problem with the heat/humidity. And even though hardly anyone is at the park because it is so stinking hot, we're there...


One of the things that has been in the works with the boys is going to Bonkers. They love running around the tunnels and playing the video games. It's also big enough that adults can play there, too. All week, Reece had been bugging me to go there and I had postponed it because I wanted Jace to be able to play, too. This Wednesday morning, I asked Jace how his foot felt, if he could walk on it, and he still said it hurt. So, when Reece asked later in the day, I said we couldn't because of Jace's foot. Upon hearing that, amazingly, Jace was able to walk on it! So, after journeying out to Stephens Lake to feed the fish, we went to Bonkers. This is the stamp they gave us, so that the children I came with are the children that I left with.


Well, Riley and Cullen decided to help out Daniel and Kathryn by trying to catch the rabbits that have burrowed in their backyard. Earlier in the week, I noticed that Cullen had a dirty face and feet from digging, and today I was able to discover *where* they were digging. Both of them got into the act of digging furiously after this unknown smell. I love it when they do what they were meant to do.

I've sometimes thought about training Riley (and now it seems Cullen) in Earthdog - where they chase things like they've been bred to do. I think they would enjoy it.


Marks on the windows that come with owning a dog.


Kylah looks at me quizzically. I am there for her older sister's birthday party. Kayla turned six. One of her presents was a guitar and while I was trying to tune it, I accidentally broke one of her strings.


Reece is kind enough to pose for a picture for me. He loves making funny faces at me. And he laughs hysterically at himself (and his cleverness). Notice his missing lower teeth.

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