Monday, June 21, 2010

Project 365 - W11

Week 11.


Jace was finally old enough for a big boy bed, so Daniel and Kathryn invested in some bunk beds for the boys. Today was the first day that I had been over to see them. Very cool and solid. Getting the bunk beds means the boys sharing a room, so Kathryn is thinking of turning the other room into a play/book room. Reece now has the top bunk and Jace is on the bottom.


Yes, this is a snapshot of a TV commercial, but it's a commercial that I really like. All the animals are playing together so nicely. It's one of the commercials that I have saved on my 'Commercials' tape, along with the the Folgers 'Peter' commercial and the "Rock Me Gently" Jeep Liberty commercial.


A shot of my sock. I'm not sure why I took this picture, but I kinda of like feet.


Sleepy Cullen. Like all dogs, he likes to snooze with his eyes partially open, and when I move, he'll open up his eyeball and check out what I'm doing.


The Duds looking out the window while we drive. We were stopped at a light.


The boys looking out the window together. Most of the time it's Riley and Cullen, but Duds decided to join in. We are on our way up to KC, to visit the folks for their anniversary and Father's Day.


A picture of my grandpa, Clifford Day. We stopped in to see him on Father's Day. I'm glad he's still with us. Last year, he neglected his health and wasn't eating. He ended up getting so weak, he was in the hospital for a week. He had been living in a residential community but this forced his sons to put him in a nursing home. When I went to visit him then, he was so weak, he would barely open his eyes or stay awake for very long and couldn't really even talk. Now he's walking (with a walker) and is talking normally. Funny how good nutrition and proper taking of your meds will do that for you...

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