Thursday, June 17, 2010

Project 365 - W10

Week Ten. My birthday was on Wednesday. I do not look my age :)


This is me with a migraine. I hate them and I feel like the top of my head is going to explode. And it won't go away, regardless of the medicine I take or the cold packs I use.


Okay, so I love iced tea. It's my favorite thing to drink - iced tea with lemon and sugar. Of course, this picture was made after the ice has melted, but the tea was still cold. And, of course, there has to be a straw. McDonald's straws (pictured)are the best, because they're sturdy. They really work well for stirring the sugar in and not bend with the ice. The cup pictured is from one of my favorite restaurants that has since gone out of business - Smokehouse BBQ. I think I ate there about 3-4 times a month, getting a ham sandwich. And their burnt ends! Yum. And the bottle cap? IBC Cream Soda. I also like the root beer, but I think I'm partial to the cream soda because of its lighter taste.


For my birthday, we gathered at my friend, Kathryn's house, to watch a movie. I brought the movie. I reserved it on Redbox but then when I arrived to pick it up, it had a brain hiccup and didn't remember my reservation. Luckily, the movie I had chosen When in Rome, was still available. Movie nights are a tradition for my friends and our birthdays. Pictured here is my friend Janet holding friend Erica's new baby, Elle (pronounced Ellie). The movie was predictable, which made it okay, but I love the leads (Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel), so it was enjoyable.


I don't know what it is about Riley, but I just love his spirit. He is fun and mellow at the same time. The perfect dog for me. And according to Tracy, he gets depressed when I am gone for a while (like more than a few days). If I had my preference, I'd take him with me everywhere I go, but $250 for a flight on Delta is a bit too much for this poor college student.


We had devo with the MIT kids and I snapped this picture of Sarah Moore. It looks like I startled her to the point of causing her hair to flip up, but not so. I think that is a music stand. And how about that neon yellow nail polish?


My parents (dad & stepmom) came in to town for a visit (which is always nice). We went to the 63 Diner for dinner (always good/fun). This was the cloud we saw while driving there - a huge long line of a cloud that dumped rain on us.


My parents spent the night at a hotel and we met up after church and ate at Flatbranch. This was a little boy who was sitting over at the next table. My Dad did a lemon smile back at him :) Cute kids, even if I don't like the glasses - not because the glasses are ugly but because they are rectangular! They barely sell any other type of glasses nowadays which works really well for us strong jawed people...

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