John Reynolds, from New York, kisses his girlfriend, Kristina Wenzel, a Doctorate student at MU while watching Dan Tyminski play at Locust and 7th Street at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. Reynolds jokingly said that he came all the way from New York just for the barbecue. | ANDREW WILLIAMS
The above picture is one of my favorites from the entire evening. Such a great moment. Good job, Andrew!!!
So, today was the second day of the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival, which meant a whole mess of photos to edit for Saturday night. And since today was also the end of MPW, that meant that Erica was working all by herself. So I volunteered to come in and help her Saturday evening with the slide shows for the event.

Rex Scott, 34, grills chicken at the Jamaican Jerk Hut during the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. Scott said that he has been cooking jerk chicken at the festival ever since it started 2007. The Jamaican Jerk Hut cooks about 500 pounds of meat which takes around three hours to grill. | ANDREW WILLIAMS
Arriving a little after 7 pm, I didn't really get very busy until around 7:45. That's when the photographers started coming back in from being out shooting. As we talked, we figured out that a slide show from Friday hadn't been created/posted, so I put it on my to-do list and got to work.

Left: Cups of beer sit atop coolers under the beer tent on Elm Street at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. | ANDREW WILLIAMS
Right: Lindsay Yoder, a graduate student at MU, and Eric Starr, of Chicago, pump barbecue sauces onto their burgers from Hoss' Market at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. | ANDREW WILLIAMS
I went through all the edited pictures from Friday and toned and cropped as I thought might improve them. Then I organized the order in Bridge and renamed the files in order, so that when we loaded them into SoundSlides, they would be in the right order. Then Erica (and I) edited the captions. And voila.
Saturday's Slideshow
(And thanks to Brenden for his momentary input, so that the custom settings would be there.)

Watching from a distance, festival goers sit at picnic tables in Peace Park, as they wait for Music Maker Revue to begin playing at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. | ANDREW WILLIAMS
Noticing that we were lacking some food pics, I went back through the edits and found several other pictures that we could use to round out the slide show. One of those we ended up using in the double-truck that print was going to be doing for Sunday (below left, and methinks that it looks really good).

Left: Festival goers gather on Locust Street to wait for Dan Tyminski to take the Mpix Stage at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. | ANDREW WILLIAMS
Right: Terra Stephan serves customers beer at the Miller tent during Roots 'N' Blues 'N' BBQ Festival Friday, October 1, 2010. Festival goers lined up prior to the first bands going on stage. | ALLISON ZIEMBA
Several of the pictures (for Friday and Saturday) I re-toned because they were really off (like red or yellow). Then went through the same steps for the Saturday slide show.

Dan Tyminski and Ronnie Bowman begin their performance on the Mpix stage at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. | ANDREW WILLIAMS

Festival goers stand outside Lutz's Famous BBQ on 7th Street at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. | ANDREW WILLIAMS

Shemekia Copeland takes the Mpix stage at the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival on Friday, October 1, 2010. Copeland and her band were the first to perform at the Mpix stage during the festival. | ERIN STUBBLEFIELD
I ended up leaving the Missourian at around 12m. And boy am I tired! Because Riley kept me up yet again last night! And I put him outside, but discovered that he dug through my potting dirt barricade and managed to squeeze out of the corner of the fence. That hole was small, too. So I had to bring him back inside.
I figured out that the gas is most likely because he's constipated. (Yes, I know you wanted to know that.) Hopefully, tonight won't be a repeat, or I will be dead in church tomorrow.
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Links to the photographers featured in this webpost:
Andrew Williams
Allison Ziemba
Erin Stubblefield
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