The deadline for entries was October 5th at 11:59:59 pm. So, when I was working on my submission, I was one of those people who was trying to upload at the last minute and who overwhelmed the system. It was really frustrating. I kept getting these errors and my images wouldn't load, and then I couldn't submit them, because I advertently didn't get my permission code. So at 12 midnight, I surrendered to the fact that I had nothing entered in CPOY this year. Which was a bummer, because I had some stuff this year that I really liked. But I was at peace with the whole thing. I mean, I could feel frustrated because it always seems to happen where I just need 1 more hour, despite how I plan...

So here's some of the images I chose:
In the General News catergory:
To inaugurate the opening of a new and larger building, members of Columbia Second Chance's board cut a giant yellow ribbon, on April 20, 2010. A no-kill shelter, the new facility is twice the size of the animal rescue's previous location, enabling them to help more "second-hand" pets.
Microphones wait as the crew of MSA Productions/B&M Stage Productions prepare the stage in Peace Park, on Friday, Sept. 25, 2009. The company, co-owned by Bob Reeves, has worked every Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Festival, and this year it is providing all the sound and power for the event.
Michael Butterworth of Butterworth Music adjusts the tuning hammer slightly as he tunes one of the two baby grand pianos that will be used in tonight's duel between Sutu Forte and Ken Kehner, as part of the First Night New Year's Eve festivities at the Missouri Theatre Center for the Arts, on Thursday, December 31, 2009. Kehner was Forte's jazz instructor at The Juilliard School in New York City.
In the Feature category:
First grader Devin Graves works to catch a snowflake as he and his class walk back from watching the Columbia College Cougars play the Lyon (Ark.) College Scots on Friday, December 18, 2009. Graves attends Field Elementary, which had partnered for several years with Columbia College and is moving to a new location after the 18th. The basketball game was a way to celebrate this partnership, as well as saying good-bye, and was attended by the entire elementary school.
After the fur has been shaved and the needle inserted, the collection process begins, on Dec. 2, 2009. While a dog can safely give blood every 21 days, each of the College of Veterinary Medicine's five greyhounds donates blood about 6 times a year for 2-3 years, and then are adopted out to loving homes.
A brief respite for Tammy Kelliehan as the two twins guzzle their juice. From left: Keyah, Eric, Erykah, Tammy, and Kyla. Forty-one year old Kelliehan has taken in her daughter's five children, including two sets of twins, aged 2 and 1.
Rey Perera scatters feed for his farm's rams on Tuesday, February 16, 2010. The Pereras own the Petite Saline Sheep & Llama Farm in Boonville, Mo., and specialize in the Karakul breed. They keep their rams and ewes separate, except during breeding season, because it keeps the rams calmer and less likely to butt Perera or each other.
Kasey Ryan unpacks some of her glassware as she works to ready her new business on Sept. 24, 2009. Recently divorced, Ryan recently decided to open a restaurant as an extension of her catering business as a means of supporting her family of 4 children.
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