Picture courtesy of the Telegraph (UK)
Saw the press release for this article on "Toasted Skin Syndrome" today and had to comment on it.
Apparently "a 12-year-old boy developed a sponge-patterned skin discoloration on his left thigh after playing computer games a few hours every day for several months." And a Virginia law student spent 6-hours a day with it propped in her lap.
Here are my thoughts:
1) Why did Swiss researchers waste time studying this?
2) Why call it a syndrome when it's happened to 10(TEN) people in the last 6(SIX) years?
3) Why did the Telegraph (UK) or the Huffington Post bother relaying this? (Although it is nice to know that "A medical report several years ago found that men who used laptops on their laps had elevated scrotum temperatures. If prolonged, that kind of heat can decrease sperm production, which can potentially lead to infertility."
And finally:
4) Who is stupid enough to let their laptop toast their skin in the first place?!! That heat makes me uncomfortable so I put something in between me and it. That's just common sense.
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