Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Allen-Fugate Wedding - 30 April 2011

On April 30th, I traveled to Columbia, Missouri, to attend the wedding of my friends, Monique Allen and Shawn Fugate. The marriage is a joining of two families: Monique and her sons, Vonnie and Shawn, and Shawn and his children, Corey and Kayley.

Here are some of my favorites:

Monique's son, Shawn, right, and Shawn's son, Corey, serve as candle lighters. I love Shawn's concentration and concern over keeping the flame lit.

Monique reacts to seeing someone in the crowd as she is escorted down the aisle by her father.

Vince's expression says, 'hey!' during Monique's vows.

Monique's other son, Vonnie, and Shawn's daughter, Kayley, were the ring bearer and flower girl. He got a little upset during the ceremony.

Father-daughter dance. I like this twist: after the bride and her father dance for a bit, they invite other fathers and daughters to take part.

Monique gets down. Love the red shoes.

The couple being pelted with birdseed. The boy on the right is Shawn's son, Corey. It's always interesting to me how people believe that thrown rice kills birds. I don't know how the rumor got started (and here's the Snopes article disproving it), but some people I know swear that the rice will swell in their stomachs and cause them to explode. I've never bought into the idea, otherwise there would be no birds in Southeast Asia, where there are tons of unguarded rice patties and plenty of random rice to eat.

A few outtakes:

Jason plays around with his daughter after the ceremony is over.

What the kids did a the reception to entertain themselves. I think Shawn is the one trying to get up into the tree.

_MG_1459    _MG_1487
As a photographer, I typically tune out people when they work weddings (except, of course, to make sure that I'm not in their shot). This guy was impossible to ignore. Besides wearing a bright purple shirt, he did not try to make himself inconspicuous at all. The wedding photographer should be part of the background as much as possible. I was not the only person annoyed by this. Don't you like how he's right there, blocking the view so he can get some shot? Have you ever heard of using a zoom lens?

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