Monday, September 13, 2010

Project 365 - Week 23

Week 23. More action shots. And other blogs about photo editing.


Today I got the "pleasure" of working on Labor Day - see my other blog post where I complain about that - and getting a nice migraine in the process. I could have had some nice Labor Day picnic pictures, as my b.t. had a picnic, but, no, I was at home feeling like my left eyeball was having a thumb dug into it and wanting to ralph. I took this picture of the picture of Brenden, because I like to have pictures for my contacts. Since I didn't have one, I took a picture of his picture on the board. It was one of many that I took. They're up there to help us put faces to names and to help communication in the newsroom.Brenden is my co-editor for the day, but he's lucky and doesn't have to come in at 9 am but instead of 2 pm. Yes, I am a whiney weenie complaining about going in at 9 am. I know this. But at this point in my life, after years of getting up and being at work at 8 am, and after several years of grad school screwing up my sleep pattern and distorting what seems like going to be early (12 am instead of 9 pm), 9 am IS early.


So, I figured out why the dogs have been getting out of the yard this week. It's not that I haven't been locking the gate, it's that Riley has figured out that pulling on the pliers will open the gate. I caught him in the act. I was NOT pleased. But secretly - I will never tell him that - I'm impressed at his ingenuity.


So as part of a deeper education into the rules for photographing in MO's courts, we had a panel discussion today with NAMES. The picture is slightly out of focus, but I took it on the sly so as to not be obvious in what I was doing. I probably didn't need to worry, but I'm a dork.

Anyway, the panel was in response (mostly) to a classmate's taking a picture of the jury last year -- That was a fire storm of potential consequences! I mean, at one point, the judge, whose court she shot in, barred anyone affiliated with The Missourian from being in the courtroom. Big deal because this was a big murder. This guy, William Clinch, lay in wait for his ex-brother-in-law, in a McDonald's parking lot, and shot him, when he was on the way for supervised visit with his kids. During the trial, Clinch testified that he lied to his family, waited for Bohannon to appear, shot him in the buttock and then chased him down in the parking lot and shot him again. With him on the ground gurgling, he shot Bohannon twice more in the head. Really gruesome, and not a typical thing to happen in Columbia, Missouri. (Clinch was eventually found guilty.)

After much eating crow, aka letters of apology, by the Missourian's Executive Editor, its director of photography, the photo editor, and Chris, the judge rescinded his ban on everyone except Chris, because he felt like her letter was a series of rationalizations, which it pretty much was. You can read it, if you like, in her blog post. The matter eventually got resolved, with Chris writing a second letter (which was much better about just apologizing and not giving a reason why the mistakkes were made) and the judge accepting her apology.

With everything I know about the situation, it (at least the picture-taking part) could have been a mistake I could have made. So the panel was definitely informational and I'm glad they were there - to explain the rationale behind the rules, so I look at it the right way. Prohibitions on even the appearance of photographing the jury so that the jury doesn't have to worry about any type of reprocussions for their service, so that it won't affect the judgments they make... It totally makes sense, but it wouldn't necessarily be a way I would have thought about it before all this happened. Before: blurry = unidentifiable. But for a juror sitting there, they don't know that. Most people don't *try* to take blurry pictures of people, so why would a professional photographer do it on purpose?


Took the boys to the dog park. They had a blast and I had fun taking their pictures. And, it turns out, that one of the pictures I took (not this one, but this one) is going to be used with a Vox article.


Well, as I wrote in my other post, I just felt like taking pictures today and so I did. I caught this one and liked it. Today was a really good day. Plus, chocolate-covered strawberries!!!


Today, I wanted to capture something to honor the memories of those lost on September 11th. It's been 9 years. And it is something that I think I will remember my whole life. One of those national psyche-changing moments. But, after blogging all the things that came to mind about that day, I chose to use this, a picture of a chocolate-covered strawberry. One of my favorite things to eat. Thinking about that day, remembering my sadness, I wanted to end the day with something happy. So I ate Bertolli's Shrimp, Asparagus and Penne dinner - one of my favorites and indulged in some strawberries. I don't know how many but it was at least 4.


On Saturday, Susan called me and asked if I could take her daughter, Adriannah, to girl scouts on Sunday. (The time of the meeting conflicted with their monthly bible talk leaders' meeting.) It was a nice day and I wanted to take the dogs to the park. I remembered that Adriannah loves dogs, so I picked her up early and went to a park near where her pack meeting was. There was a kids jungle gym there and I got the idea of having the dogs go down the slide. We laughed a lot and I picked Dudley's picture because, out of the 3 dogs, Dudley was the one that just stepped up and went down the slide. The other two dogs needs a little nudge, especially Cullen. He can be such a chicken sometimes. Just a really sensitive dog.

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