It was a little weird being in the church - the last time I'd been there was my grandmother's funeral. The wedding reception was in the same place that the reception after her funeral was held. It was a little bittersweet, but at least the tables weren't set up the same.
One of my favorite pictures (and the one I chose for my 365 pic). They look so much like 'why are you taking my picture?' I don't know why it amuses me so, but it does.
Gerald seeing his bride walk in. Always love this moment.
I don't remember exactly why they did this, but it's one of those cool goofy pictures from a wedding.
I loved this! I've never seen it done before and it was awesome. They did rock-paper-scissors to see who did their vows first. Brittani lost.
Loved how pleased Brittani was with herself as she read her vows. And Vince's face as she read the 'racy' part :)
I *hate* that it's blurry, but I loved this moment. (The pitfalls of using my zoom lens.) It's Gerald rubbing away the tears as he tells Brittani how grateful he is for her.
And then she offered him her tissue.
I also like this moment from weddings. The unity candle. I plan on doing it at my wedding - I like that it's a private moment for the bride and groom in the middle of this very public occasion.
Brittani and Gerald's first kiss. She fist pumped after it was over :)
I always like this moment - after the wedding is over and the couple is leaving the chapel. They always look so full of joy.
Love this moment, too. Brittani didn't even remember doing this - waving the bouquet in my direction. It's that wedding-day amnesia that the couple gets. I wonder if it will happen to me...
Really liked her cake. The catering people did a *really* good job of displaying everything.
I really liked this picture of Romanda. She looks very serene as she listens to the conversation.
A portrait of Grace in the hall of the church building. One nice thing about their wedding - they had childcare so no crying babies to interrupt the moment.
This was SO painful to see. It physically hurt my heart to see person after person go up and use a CELLPHONE to take pictures of the bride and groom. What is our world coming to?!! I realize that in this picture the guy is actually using a camera but most of them used their phones. Not that taking pictures with your phone is a bad thing, but the pixel quantity is terrible!
A nice portrait of Wale and my friend Opal's son, Joshua. I got another picture of Wale mid-blink, where he looked demon possessed, but I didn't feel like sharing that one.
I LOVED that they smooshed the cake! I hate it when the couple daintily delivers the cake for the other to eat. Gag me. I plan on smooshing it. I've already counted the cost of possibly getting cake up my nose or in my hair. It'll wash.
This was a really cheesy moment created by the DJ. And speaking of the DJ - I definitely plan on using a disciple when I get married - so things like "Sexual Healing" won't accidentally get played at my reception. A place where there will be no unwanted gyrating inflicted on any of my female friends. I glare into space. But back to the moment - he had them hold hands and then delivered the punch line - this was the last time that Gerald would have "the upper hand" in their relationship. It got a loud laugh.
By more than just the bride and groom.
Several 'aw' moments when they danced together. His gentle forehead kiss.
And brushing the hair out of her face...
Brittani dances with her dad.
Love this moment where her sister smiles at me as they were watching them dance.
And this was a great moment. As Brittani and her dad were dancing, they invited her sisters to dance with them, her dad and his girls. It's moments like this that are the reasons why I love photographing weddings.
I love that Gerald is about his mother's height. And that she's taller than him in heels. :)
This was a nice moment, too, when Britt danced with her mom. And I liked how I used high key light for it.
An awesome moment! The bridal toss. You notice how her sister acted like it was a dead thing or something getting hurled at her. She did not want to catch that bouquet. I think Brittani's cousin, Sonia, caught it. (The one with her mouth open.)
Preparing to catch the bouquet.
And Post was deNIED. By a high jumper.
Shannon does the shimmy with Sarah. She is such a goofball.
I love it when Ro 'dances.'
Loved Erica's dress. And she and Laurence matched, when Laurence was a groomsman.
Kyra and her man. Not exactly who I pictured her with, back in the day, when there was vague inklings of who it might, and he definitely doesn't look like the guys that she used to go gaga over, but I think it's awesome how God works out things :)
I love it when Monique and Wale dance. They are so... I love how they strut.
And this lady in the black checks was cracking me up. She could *not* dance. She was so stiff. But she did it anyway. Waving her hands in very small circles, as if to keep balance. That and the eyebrows of freaky concentration.
Okay, another blurry picture, but I love how Sarah reminded me of Tyra Banks in this picture. I loved her dress and how her hair flowed... Go, Tyra! Go, Tyra! Shake your booty.
Brittani in her hot-mama dress - boy was Gerald flustered. Heehee!
I loved this idea - lighting tealights for the exit. I don't know what I want to do for my wedding. Just like I don't know exactly what kind of dress. No idea for the bridesmaids gowns - just that I want them to be reuseable - and I swear that they will be, so help me, God. Most of my friends have been really good about the outfits they pick. I want to be part of that club.
Another one of those pictures that I love from a wedding - when the couple is leaving. Again with the joy and the excitement. And how about that dress?!!
Had to include this one, too. Same moment, but I love the faces.
My final pick of Brittani. I love her happy face. And I photo-shopped the dress so it wasn't quite so revealing (appreciated by bride and groom).
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