Tonight, as I convalesced with a painful migraine, I stumbled across one of my favorite episodes of Fraiser, "The Matchmaker." At least once a season, there was an episode in which the Brothers Crane were mistaken as being gay. In this particular episode, Fraiser has a new boss who assumes that he is gay and that they are dating. Fraiser, clueless, thinks the guy is perfect for his father's PT, Daphne. This pleases Daphne but doesn't please Fraiser's brother, Niles. Although Niles is married and committed to his wife, he's been in love with Daphne since they met. Hilarity ensues.
Even though I felt obligated to embed the first part of the episode, it starts getting really good in the second part.
“Uh, Niles, can I speak with you a moment? I was wondering. Did I do anything that offended you?”
“No.” [throws dishes in the sink]
“Oh, it must be all in my head. But I sensed that you had a problem with me dating Fraiser.”
“Well, if you must know‒ [pause of recognition] I’m sorry, what was the question?”
“Do you have some problem with me dating your brother?”
Ted Scambos for Foreign Policy
10 years ago
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