Our next assignment has been balance and fill. Balancing is the term for when you take a picture with a window in the background and you can see both the outside and the inside. This is not a balanced shot:
But this is:

Fill is when you are someplace with heavy contrast between light and shadow and you use the flash to reduce that contrast. This shot needs some fill:
This has some:
For this assignment, I photographed several things. About 30% of my pictures came from a Women's Retreat at Memorial Park in Jefferson City. About 65% of my pictures came from "There's No Place Like Home," a fundraiser for Columbia Second Chance. They (and the Missouri Theatre) sponsored a silent auction and costume contest and showed "The Wizard of Oz" on the big screen. My dog, Riley, was one of the Totos (there were 2).
Here's the picture I chose to submit for a grade:

Here's some other pictures from the event that I really liked :)

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