Monday, July 26, 2010

Project 365 - W16

Week 16. I guess you could say that I really love my dogs, by the way I take lots of pictures of them.


A picture of my Boo-Boo. Those big pools of brown that stare up at you... I am, however, immune to the puppy-dog eyes. Well, almost immune. Sometimes I give in - more to the whining than the eyeballs. And he knows how to use them, too!  If he's trying to get my attention, first he whines. If I ignore him, he will climb onto the bed to sit a couple inches from my face, staring intently into my eyes as if to say, 'pay attention, this is important!' And we've gotten to the point where if I ask him, "What? Show me," he will walk and stand in front of what he wants to tell me (like the door to outside, the treat canister, his dinner bowl).


Cullen stretches on the bed. I love it when dogs stretch. It looks like it feels so good. Especially when they spread out their toes.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Project 365 - W15

Week 15. Oodles of Puppies. No, this is not a Puppy Project 365.


Snuggling puppies!


This cracked me up. My big bed pillows lean against my curtains, so they get caught when someone leans on the curtains. Riley decided to rest his head in the cradle of the curtain and take a nap. He was happily snuggled there. It struck me as funny, I'm not sure why.


A close up of the Duds. How about that eyeball?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Project 365 - W14

Week 14. A Riley heavy week.


What you see here is Riley holding a rawhide bone in his mouth. He loves chewing them (the smaller ones, not the bigger ones) and only gets this treat on 2 occasions: one of us cleans up (takes a shower). When I'm busy with the suds, he gets to chew on a bone. Once I'm done, he's forced to leave the bone behind for next time. This picture is Riley refusing to drop the bone and me waiting for him to obey.


A picture of Riley diligently watching for squirrels. I know I took a picture like this before, but I really liked how he looked with the light behind him when I took it this day.


Riley chilling on a small area rug that I bought at Target. They no longer sell the rugs (which makes me sad because I would like to purchase a few more - I have a longer rug and a big area rug of the same texture.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Project 365 - W13

Week 13. Sleeping puppies, sunsets, and the Fourth of July.


I love my sleeping puppies. He's snuggled up on my pile of clean laundry. Which may defeat the idea of clean laundry, but it'll get puppy feet and puppy bellies and puppy noses on it once I put it on. And since he's not 'dirty' beyond normal dog stuff, I don't have a problem with him being snuggled in my laundry.

I always find it interesting what dogs decide to lie on.


Dudley watching me as I type on my computer.


At a lecture by a visiting photojournalist, I think it was Jay Dickman, he mentioned going and finding inspiration in the photography section of your local bookstore. Today, after meeting someone at the mall for lunch, I was drawn to Barnes and Noble. I don't enter there often because I tend to spend at least $50, if not $100, whenever I do. Dang those books! The only thing I impulse buy. But I digress. I decided to go and peruse the photography books. And I took this picture because I liked how the shelves looked.