A picture of my Boo-Boo. Those big pools of brown that stare up at you... I am, however, immune to the puppy-dog eyes. Well, almost immune. Sometimes I give in - more to the whining than the eyeballs. And he knows how to use them, too! If he's trying to get my attention, first he whines. If I ignore him, he will climb onto the bed to sit a couple inches from my face, staring intently into my eyes as if to say, 'pay attention, this is important!' And we've gotten to the point where if I ask him, "What? Show me," he will walk and stand in front of what he wants to tell me (like the door to outside, the treat canister, his dinner bowl).
Cullen stretches on the bed. I love it when dogs stretch. It looks like it feels so good. Especially when they spread out their toes.