First I wanted to post a link to this article about a mouse riding a frog in an Indian monsoon. Photograph from Reuters/Pawan Kumar (India). From 2006, in the norther Indian city of Lucknow, they captured it on film:

This week, we were charged with reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. And I absolutely loved it. It spoke to my soul. Yes, it's about writing, but like Rita said, it can apply to creating photographs. I love that it's not just me that grew up awkward and teased and tormented. I like to think that Anne got a note passed to her in 6th grade titled, "Who Hates Anne Lamott" with classmates signatures on it, so that I'm not the only one. I like to think that she got called Trapjaw because of her underbite, or harrassed with some stupid song like There's a Hole in the Buckett. I mostly like thinking that I'm not the only one who sometimes wants to sit frozen because she's convinced everyone would rather she not exist because she's so annoying or stupid or whatever crime I might have committed.
I loved the image of the vinegar-lipped Reader Lady.

She really does look like this in my head, going, "That's interesting? Really? That's a terrible idea! How disappointing."